
New blog? OK!

OK, I start a new blog, this one with a focused spirit in History and related to my Historical Novelling interests.

I will mostly write in English in this one, while Spanish will be the main language in my LiveJournal, but expect some posts in Spanish, Latin, or any other language from time to time. It comes with the Job Description, sorry :-)

Well, to give a focus to this blog, it will be about discussing History for my novels, and any related subject that can be born from those discussions. Wish me luck.


Fernando Alcalá said...

Congrats on your new blog! Yeah, I know I usually don't comment, but that doesn't mean that I don't read ya.

So I'll keep on reading this one too!!!!

*goes back to hide under a big pile of doctoral papers.

Excalibor said...


Now I have readers... What an instantaneous success! hehe . . .

Thanks for your support, even if silent. Much, much appreciated. Help will be even more appreciated, when needed ;-)

good luck with the PhD thingie!