
Wreck of Shipwreck

Apparently, this year was not called for Shipwreck, or so it seems...

Two weeks to go on nanowrimo, and I cannot find all my documentation for the book... One of the trouble of moving, I guess... I know it's in here, but in which box?

Well, as all my books are well packed, I cannot easily retake any of my old projects, Historical Fiction is hard without data!

I may, in this case, attack a plotbunny that assauled me during last year Nanowrimo, a Fantasy novel based on the exploration of Wanting, Desire, ... born from an idea of Neil Gaiman's Lucifer comic book series. Just the seed, though, and it seemed attractive enough during this year to have the plot, caracter sketches and half the story more or less well thought out so far...

I'd say it's an interesting Nanoproject, and it stems in a centennial Galician tradition, with authors like Álvaro Cunqueiro or the almost infinite oral tradition involving witches (meigas, obviously from the same Latin root that gives "magic"), sirens, and all sort of mythological creatures from Iberian, Celtic, Latin, Suevian, Gothic, Arabic and Provenzal roots...

In this case, then, I really walk over giants' shoulders... :-)

Anyway, this is not definitive, but a most likely conclusion of this year hectic Autumn...

I'll let you know, because, anyway, there'll be a lot of historical elements in it... unavoidable... :-)

Best for all and good luck to the Nanoers!


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